Months after being thrown out by her father, a flawed tennis player finds her family – except a six-year old niece – dead in a aircraft crash; but years later when Tennis Federation bans her from competing, she must confront her internal demons before deep depression kills her; and she kills the child.
Sona, 20, a flawed tennis player, also writes stories, and sketches made-up beasts. But she is possessed of becoming world tennis champion. She rebels against her parents to live her dreams and leaves. Her family – except her six-year old niece Guddi – dies in a plane-crash a few months later. She is in a jam.
She decides to do both – raise Guddi and pursue her career. Despite her hard work, her tennis keeps on failing her ambitions.
But when Tennis Federation bans her from competing, Sona must confront her internal demons stopping her from knowing what she can do and what she cannot before deep depression sets in and destroys the remnants of the family.

Indian Forest; Soil Water & Bio-Environment Conservation
Indian Forests-Soil, Water and Bio-environment Conservation-deals with the soil degradation in forests from a practising forester’s viewpoint. Most past practices believed civil engineers’ gravity structures as teh panacea for the problem. This book proceeds with a different premise-eart reinforcement through root systems of vegetation best protects soil and conserves water. In elaborating this, its presents a simplified picture of Indian forest types and characteristics like soil formation, soil texture, soil organisms, etc. About Author : Dr. Sheelwant Patel belongs to the Indian Forest Service and is allotted to the West Bengal cadre. He has post-graduated in Chemistry. He has an extensive experience of over 25 years of working in forests of the fragile Darjeeling Himalayas. His doctoral dissertation from North Bengal University related to the study of soil erosin problems in catchements of river Balson-the eastern-most tributary of the Ganga drainage systems. Contents : Preface List of Figure List of Tables General Background An Overview of the Problem General Biodegrational Processes in Forests and Thier Effects Landslides Amerliorative Soil and Water Conservation Measures Recent Advances in Forest Amelioration Methods People’s Participation Bibliography

Medicinal Trees: Distribution, Characteristics and Traditional Therapeutic Formulations
The ‘Medicinal Trees’ compiles information about one hundred tree species that possess substantial medicinal values. It gives various local names of species, its distribution, characteristics of plant and traditional therapeutic formulations of its body parts. It mostly chooses such trees that one encounters growing in vicinity-on road sides, in parks, in homestead lands, in waste lands. It endeavours to reinvent medicines into trees that we recognize as fruit trees, timber trees, shade trees, flowering trees and shrubs and even as useless wild growths of waste lands. The ‘Medicinal Trees : Distribution, Characteristics and Traditional Formulations’ attempts to re-invent the traditional therapeutical uses of parts of trees our forefathers had used since time immemorial to cure a hoard of ailments. Through use of roots, bark, leaves, latex, flowers, fruits, and seeds they had perfected a system of medicines that we have almost lost. We know a banyan tree provides excellent shade. Do we know that ‘Banyan leaves cure diarrhoea, nose bleeding, and bubo. Latex cures cracked heels, swollen gums and spermatorrhea. Fruits remove dark spots from facial skins and restore its natural glow and charm. Aerial roots tighten and lift sagging breasts. Bark cures vaginal piles, sprains, burning sensation in body and irregularity of menstruation?’ This publication will serve the interest of medicinal plant lovers, collectors, teachers, medical practitioners, research workers and botantists.